Purpose Statement

I believe that we were all created unique, special and with a unique purpose.

My purpose is to shine and to inspire others to shine.

New Book Release!

Does education makes us equal?

Yesterday I visited my primary school,my friends and I do this every year to meet and encourage the kids in class 6, 7 and 8. Sometimes we meet even the parents who now happen to have  been my classmates or younger. Sometimes I wonder if this has any impact but we...

11 years married

11 years married

Today as we celebrate our 11th wedding Anniversary, we have all the reasons to thank God for his faithfuless. We are not experts on this institution of marriage but maybe by the virtue of being together for 11 years we qualify to share a few lessons we have learnt...

Five BE’s from my son.

Five BE’s from my son.

Today as I was going through my son's pictures, sweet memories in deed. My son was a very calm baby, for 3 months my neighbours did not know that I had a baby because he never used to cry in a loud voice, even if you were in my house you could not hear him. I was the...

Boy child the endangered species

Boy child the endangered species

Whenever I go for a parents event in my son's school, it worries me to notice that 90% of those who participate in entertaining the parents are girls. The last event I attended I could not help but complain to the teacher, my question is and has always been, does it...

Salo addiction

Salo addiction

Every time I visit my village I find some of my primary school classmates who got into alcohol. There are these particular two, who always come to see me immediately they see my car stop. They only have one mission, get a  ksh 100 and disappear. They have a common...

The law of supply and demand

The law of supply and demand

Have you ever wondered why a brain surgeon/ neurosurgeon would earn an equivalent of one years earnings of a petrol station  attendant or a watchman in one hour? I was not a very good student of business  studies in high school but at least I remember  we were taught...

Labor pains.

Labor pains.

After carrying pregnancy and heading towards 9 months, every mother looks forward for labor pains and of course the delivery of the baby and live happily ever after. I have gone through labor pains in several occasions, when I say several, I mean more than once. The...

The worst form of poverty

The worst form of poverty

Poverty is a state of deprivation, or a lack of the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. (Wikipedia). To be deprived is to lack or be denied. Just in case you didn't know, i am a graduate of Mathematics and one of the units I did not...