by Eunice Maina | Eunice Maina
My mum being a teacher, she understands a lot when it comes to nutrition and balanced diet, this means we always had a balanced diet. At least every meal had a protein, starch and vegetables/fruit. This means we grew up as very healthy kids. For breakfast we used to...
by Eunice Maina | Budgeting, Goal Setting, Investments
For anyone to become an expert in their field, is as a result of gathering information piece by piece until they become gurus in their field. This is also true with wealth, you have to gather hundreds and thousands each and every day and invest it and it grows to lump...
by Eunice Maina | Investments
Risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in advance, analyzing them and taking precautionary steps to reduce/curb the risk. Definition: In the world of finance, risk management refers to the practice of identifying potential risks in...
by Eunice Maina | Investments
Taking an insurance policy is sometimes made to seem very difficult but more often than not just like making the simple choice of taking the right direction. The best thing about it is that an individual can choose the manner in which they want to travel down this...
by Eunice Maina | Financial Planning, Investments, Risk Managment
In my opinion I think it has to do with asset allocation. I can illustrate this using 3 baskets. 1. SECURITY BASKET This is where you can call on when other investments have failed e.g when the business is down or you have lost your job or you are disabled or loss of...