Purpose Statement

I believe that we were all created unique, special and with a unique purpose.

My purpose is to shine and to inspire others to shine.

New Book Release!

Can Losing an election feel like a miscarriage?

  "A miscarriage is a real loss that can affect you physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But those who haven't experienced a miscarriage may not understand how deeply it is affecting you because people rarely talk openly about pregnancy loss." (By Christiane...

Are all dreams valid?

I spent my mid morning and early afternoon yesterday in some form of a school at some place deep in Mukuru kwa Njenga, a slum in embakasi. You drive past Imara Daima, then you pack your car in some school compound closer to Imara Daima than where you are going. You...

Do not conform

When Romans 12:2 say " do not conform to the patterns/ standards of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-his pleasing and perfect will" what does it really mean not to conform?  This...

Acceleration downward

I don't know how many of you have heard this song " Chini kwa Chini, Chini kwa Chini......???? Panda, Panda......Panda. ...panda ????" many times you hear it and the body start responding to the beats involuntarily even those who don't know the words, they start going...